Download the article (french) :
Second portrait introducing a young african entrepreneur. Sami Agli, Chief Executive officer of Agli Group and ranked 39th of the Choiseul 100 Africa 2017’s ranking. Find the portrait at this link (french).
Find the interview of Pascal Lorot realised by the Ivorian newspaper : L’Intelligent about the 6th Choiseul Africa Summit in Abidjan. You can read the article by following this link (french).
Portrait of Bony Dashaco, laureate of the Choiseul 100 Africa and Chief Executive Officer of Acmar Media Group Download the article at this link (french).
The Institut Choiseul associate with the Managment School of Normandie in order to propose an executive formation “Doing Business in Africa”. You can read the brochure by following this link (french).
You can consult the article in french, by following this link.
by Jean Philippe Dorent & Pascal Lorot (french).
Consult the article on (french).
Consult the article on Le Monde (french).
Consult the article on La Tribune