Club Choiseul Africa | launch in Paris
March 5th, 2024

Club Choiseul Africa | launch in Paris

On March 5, 2024, Choiseul Africa launched its first Club, focusing on Africa’s business economic outlook to 2050, by bringing together high-level decision-makers invested in the continent. This initiative, at the crossroads of institutional, corporate and public spheres, aims to strengthen the network dedicated to Africa.

This first meeting also unveils the Africa 2050 survey, the fruit of collaboration with Skema Business School, on African business leaders’ perspectives and projections for the continent’s development to 2050.

As we move towards 2050, an era when more than half of Africa’s population will be under the age of 25 and the continent will have passed the two-billion mark, placing it today at the crossroads of current and future global challenges, few studies take stock of Africans’ projections on these new issues. How do African leaders see Africa in 2050? What are their ambitions for the continent? How do they view economic dynamics, digital technology, the energy transition and trade relations with the rest of the world?